School is in full swing, and we are experiencing a warmer than usual Autumn. We are all enjoying the Fall Festivities and Halloween is almost here. Be mindful of your children, tweens and teens on Halloween. Please make sure they are traveling in groups and have light reflective clothing or carry a flashlight to draw attention in the nighttime. They will come home with a trove of goodies. It is important for parents and teens to look at the packaging carefully. There are candies that are “medicated” or have THC in it. The packaging is the same as non-medicated and can be very misleading. THC is a potent substance that can cause severe effects in children.
Here is an excerpt from our January 2023 newsletter that discusses accidental THC ingestion:
Since the legalization of marijuana there has been a steep increase in accidental ingestions.
NPR.org: Young Children Accidentally Ate Weed Edibles in 2021 Study Finds
A study in the journal Pediatrics, found that in 2017, there were just over 200 reported cases of accidental consumption of cannabis edibles by children under six. In 2021, the number shot up to 3,054 – an increase of 1,375%.
aap.org Pediatrics journal: Pediatric Edible Cannabis Exposures and Acute Toxicity:2017-2021
Marijuana edibles often contain a large amount of THC that can produce symptoms of intoxication in a child and the packaging can often look like regular sweets and snacks. This “copycat” packaging can often make it difficult for an adult to distinguish between a marijuana edible and the real product and impossible for a child to distinguish between the two. Anything on a package that references “medicated” is a sure sign that it contains THC.
For the full article, please look at RECENT NEWS, JANUARY 2023.
If your child does ingest THC, call poison control: (800)-222-1222, or go directly to a hospital, or call 911 for help.
Please call and set up an appointment for your child’s flu vaccine as soon as possible. If you are coming in for a physical exam in the next few months, we will offer you the flu vaccine at the time of the appointment.
We would recommend a mask be worn at a visit in the office if you are experiencing a cough or cold. It is not mandatory but we ask you and your family to consider wearing one for the protection of our providers, staff and other families visiting the office that day.
The office will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. As always, there will be someone on call to answer questions or address concerns. On the days before and after these holidays, our office will be on a modified schedule.
This fall the CDC has recommended that all infants less than 8 months of age receive the new preventive antibody Nirsevimab to protect them from RSV, a common virus in the late fall and winter. Most healthy children have cold symptoms from this virus, but a few can have a more severe case and require hospitalization. As pediatric providers we are so happy that we now have a way to protect children from the serious complications of this very common and contagious virus. This protection is a one dose shot given at the start of the season (usually October here in Connecticut) for all infants less than 8 months. The immunity will last the season. Local hospitals are offering this to newborns before they leave the hospital, and we will work with the rest of our patients to administer at well visit exams with other immunizations or at designated nurse visits. Please see the attached links to read more about this.
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Preventive Antibody Immunization Information Statement | CDC
RSV: When It's More Than Just a Cold - HealthyChildren.org
Nirsevimab Frequently Asked Questions (aap.org)
We have placed an order for the Nirsevimab with the state. They are prioritizing the hospital nurseries first. As soon as we hear from the state that we will be receiving doses, we will be contacting families with babies under 8 months of age. Please check your emails daily for an email blast from us.
We would like to thank our families for being supportive and understanding in the face of all the changes that have occurred this year. We appreciate your kindness and patience. Branford Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine wish you and your families a wonderful Holiday season. May it be filled with love, peace, and happiness.